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July 22 meeting

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Meeting May 26

Contexts we are working in: Health & safety: Is another committee. They will be coming up with safety measures based on different scenarios. Safety measures depend on what risk level we are on: low, medium, high low (on campus); medium (blended); high (online) Employee relations Started at schedules and grouping because that will determine many aspects: Social distancing: Could include capsules....keeping pods together and not mixed with other groups. This makes tracing and limiting easier. Extended/remote:

Webinar 10 UNESCO: Reconnectivity

Connectivity and its right to education How expanded access to connectivity will shape education What will this mean for education as a public good and a public service? Connectivity and devices: ---------- Global solidarity: We quickly realized we were not because divides and inequalities became obvious. How did we get here? Innovative motivation factor of education: What has become most prominent is the notion of mobility at the heart of it all. We see many people moving out of cities and going home out of fear. This kind of mobility is also being used digitally. Mobile education has become prominent in low income countries. Informal education and lifelong education. What does it really mean to be educated in today's era? There is an emphases on lifelong education that can be responsive in terms of people. It is not about content of literacy, math, science, etc. It also concerns moral questions. Let's reimagine systems. Education for social change. How ...

Webinar 6 UNESCO Education Response Webinar Friday April 24 * Date from EBOLA and other Longer marginalized, the longer schools are closed, the more "not returning" for those kids increase. What are the implications beyond school? Health and nutrition; emotiona...

For May 18th: Schools that are reopening    Article 1 Reopening schools: How to get education back on track after COVID-19 Timing: When can schools reopen? Schools have to be able to protect the physical and mental health of students, teachers and staff. We have to ask: Will reopening run this risk of spreading the virus? My questions: How will we know what the risk is? Do we have a protocol for families reporting? How will they know? How accessible is testing? How are we monitoring school personnel? I imagine we need strict guidelines about not coming on-site in certain situations.  How to reduce class sizes and practice physical distancing? My questions: Can we have morning and afternoon sessions? Can we still post lessons online, but students come groups at a time for in-person support? I think we can only have up to 12 at a time. Our current tables could present a problem, or make things more c...