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Webinar 10 UNESCO: Reconnectivity

Connectivity and its right to education

How expanded access to connectivity will shape education

What will this mean for education as a public good and a public service?

Connectivity and devices:

Global solidarity: We quickly realized we were not because divides and inequalities became obvious.

How did we get here?

Innovative motivation factor of education:

What has become most prominent is the notion of mobility at the heart of it all. We see many people moving out of cities and going home out of fear. This kind of mobility is also being used digitally.

Mobile education has become prominent in low income countries.

Informal education and lifelong education. What does it really mean to be educated in today's era? There is an emphases on lifelong education that can be responsive in terms of people.

It is not about content of literacy, math, science, etc. It also concerns moral questions. Let's reimagine systems. Education for social change.

How is this manifesting online? You see it on tiktok videos. Content creators. Two way education street through popular media and popularizing. It allows is to humanize an issue.

Mobility and education: We are looking at the fact that mobile technologies have an instrumental role to play. It's not about mobile education independent technology. It's really more related and circular. You send something out and it gets shared and circulated in existing technology.

When you think about digital habits, we need to remember that habitats (environments) also affect those habits.

**Implications: there's so much "accidental" learning. How can we get parents on board to help capitalize on those experiences?**

Alexander in Brazil & Latin America:

Have been dealing with pandemic in Africa (and where else did he say?).

Big data producers: The focus of education policies, especially broadband, in pre-pandemic plans, how to understand what kinds of devices are available for students and teachers? Without data, there is no data. So, we need to know exactly what  devices and situations the families have (internet? devices? etc.).

Social distance measures: Now students are away from their schools and friends; we are not prepared to adapt the traditional way of teaching/learning into this new kind of school. We made a change almost over night.

The dynamics of the process, as well as the mindset of teachers and students, many people do not like this. However, some make like it and shift their mindset.

Broadband connectivity: The unconnected homes are issues in remote and rural areas.
Connectivity at a school level: Was a pre existing issue. How is the school connected?

The pandemic has a great impact, especially on the most vulnerable students and families; it highlights the economic disparities.

Digital skill gap: Low income students have access to mobile devices; they still are not at the same level as peers; We also have a gap with digital skills among teachers.

Government and internet providers: need to join to provide free internet to the most vulnerable families.

Some countries only have only online responses to COVID, even though there are families with no internet access.


New concept of mobility:

Mobile learning

Collecting big data on education; what different angles can be examined? Microsoft?


After the crises, how do we keep the pressure on connectivity and the sense of urgency?

How can we make connectivity more universal?

Efforts to move toward expanding connectivity

ITU: Its mission is to connect the world. Connecting school is important to education, but also we need to bring connectivity to homes; they are working with UNESCO and UNISEF on providing (data???);

Look at the school map and overlay it with the connectvity map: What are the best connectivity options that exist for each school? Then you can cluster schools and plan for them; If we work with neighboring countries, we can really optimize the process. How can we fund initiatives? Public good nature of education: There is a need to make sure there are enough digital resources available to teachers, students that are affordable, even free, resources, etc. This can include digital libraries..Invite local provider and publisher to be part of this.

The world was not ready to take on a disruption like this; not enough skills, content ready, etc.
Comprehensive plans online; Connect to learn: the needs teachers have for further support; Teacher training in various supports; How to engage with students online? How do you introduce new learners to new tools? How to you provide skills of progression? Technology side: Access and affordability are key factors. These are a prequisite; universal connectivity inclusion. COVID has really made this an urgency. Education is one of these sectors. Growing awareness of urgency to investigate ways to finance solutions to connect those unconnected. Schools do allow a hub to allow the communities around it to be connected; how can we address the challenge of connecting the unconnected (those are usually in remote areas); Solution should be low cost, reliable, etc. It's not really a technology barrier; the problem is social-economical and social-political factors. Public service funds.

Gender: Rise in digital abuse and sexual harassment; Inequalities that already existed are being exacerbated (in countries where girls are not allowed access to education or are limited, we see this happening now...boys are given access to the digital devices, and girls are being left out).

The technical part is the easy bit (getting the network and devices). Ensuring the connectivity is used for education and for learning is the harder part; How do we ensure this? There are different groups that benefit from these shifting contexts;

The future of connectivity and technology:

Alexa: Microsoft (Belgium)

They have been supporting ministries of schools for years; the types of changes they have been trying to make in 10 years has now happened in 2 months; there is no way back; there are still gaps, but there is great growth; their platforms are free; creating digital webinars to train teachers; they are seeing some countries are doing better than some of the western countries in terms of resilience; laptops available to 3G or 4G; the current obstacles: the current access to technology (in some countries, it is still too expensive and accessible). We have to be ready for second ways, so ready to flip at any time. Education as a way to invest in a social program; how can we use the programs?

Focus on learning as opposed to schooling.

Finance models will be a big focus post COVID; How to we move to learning centric? This process is probably the future and will take time;


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