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Webinar 6 UNESCO

Education Response Webinar
Friday April 24

* Date from EBOLA and other Longer marginalized, the longer schools are closed, the more "not returning" for those kids increase.

What are the implications beyond school? Health and nutrition; emotional/mental;

Should be based on benefits of classroom learning vs. remote: Who are our vulnerable children? We need to keep them in mind; assess how learning and well being can be supported; what are the risks of reopening schools? This is context specific. What are the risks for the school? What arethe community factors?

Urgency and benefits of opening schools:

Framework for guidance and planning; built to reach the most vulnerable learners; let's open up better schools than we had before; how can we be better?

Policy and financing

Schools are not in isolation of the community.

Learning loss is one of the greatest concerns.

National and subnational factors have to be taken into account.

When can reopening happen?
What conditions can be in place before reopening?

The priority is to keep the population safe
We need reasonable confidence that everyone can be safe if we reopen (students, teachers, etc.).
Some factors to consider about reopening:
Physical health? What hygiene conditions take place? What new safety measures need to be met? Mental health. Protecting educational gains and opportunity for all.

What are the conditions for system readiness for reopening? The most important conditions are related to physical protection, providing good hygiene practices; we have to look at teachers.

Planning and school maps: Double shifts: Are there enough teachers available and willing to return to campus? Can double shifts and distancing learning be managed? What additional resources are needed?

We need to conduct data.

Once the preconditions have been met, then we look at what school will look like.

Back to school?

Who goes back to school first? The task is to determine which strategies and should be taken. Different options: The who: which students at which grades NEED to go first? First to return maybe have to pass a high stakes exams at the end of a cycle. Germany is doing this.

Organize back-to-school campaign. Really focus on what to do since students have been out of school for months.

We will need to teach our students hygiene practices, as well as what to expect with the new ways of doing school. How will we teach this?

Danish presentation: They sent a survey to their parents to see how they felt about sending their children to school.

Korea: Openness, transparency, democratic process

Online school year opened up n April (usually opens in March)

High school started first...then younger students

Created a platform that allowed 6 million users (students?)

98.8% students attend online

Online classes- Real-time interactive; content oriented; task-oriented

School support via public-private partnership

Preparedness of physical reopening: Phases: consultation with epidemiologists & school ministries, then consultation with teachers and parents, then evaluation and measures

Mock drill in all schools nationwide

in-stock facial masks

Mexico: Students well being; Mid-may: gradual reopenings based on municipalities ;Rest of the country will return on June 1st; school year will extend until July 17.

3 dimensions being considered for reopening: social-emotional, academic curricular; evaluations

Teachers will begin by working on a project (they need time to get kids ready to return to academics); teachers will focus on importance of study habits; teachers will work with students to find out what they experienced, etc.

Academic work: Learning recovery period: 6 weeks for those who return in June; more weeks for those who return middle of May; Teachers will have to revise students' homework and learning portfolios; based on diagnoses, teachers design a recovery period;

Evaluation and assessments: Must be flexible; bear in mind that the priority is on the students' well being.

Mr Mohamed Sillah Sesay Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education Sierra Leone

Tasks force; work groups;

Denmark: Decision made to reopen was done in dialof with the health authorities. Stakeholders were then invited into the conversation;

Republic of Korea: Why did Korea keep delaying the physical reopening: Depends on number of infected people, the readiness of school and public consensus; March 13th did a survey.

Plans for managing the learning gap: Mexico: The disparities have always existed and are increased due to COVID. Mexico is using television programs to help educate. Not every house has internet; 95% or more of the population has TVs in home;

How is the impact in students being measured? If social distancing is not possible in schools, t

Denmark is only allowing some students back because they are using all the classes and doing smaller class sizes.

What kind of preparation? Has anyone been trained or tested? How have teachers been prepared? Denmark: No schools are open unless they are meeting the guidelines; There are different hotlines for teachers, hotlines for health guidelines; no plans for testing of staff as of yet, however, when it was opened, it was based on the idea that the infection is mild in young children;

Korea: Providing specific guidelines to teachers and schools


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