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May 11th Meeting: Required Reading

The plan will grow and adapt over time

5 pillars to the plan

1. Maintain physical distance until the number declines
Reduce the number of cases. Based on communities.
We are years away from a vaccine. Flattening the curve does not mean no more cases.
We need adequate testing before we can really know if we have reduced enough.

Expanding activities:

Local government has an important role to play.
Number of cases in a community may not reflect the state's trend.
If there is resurgance, we may have to go back to shelter in place.

2. Infrastructure and tools for tracing:

Capacity for trace and isolate as cases emerges.
People with confirmed cases, must isolate for 14 days. Asymptomatic and pre-symptomatic testing.
Serological testing- Test people's blood. It may be able to check for immunity. Testing, tracing and isolating must be done in conjunction with other measures: proper handwashing, protective gear, social distancing, etc.
Testing, tracing and isolation Testing, tracing and isolation

3. Public health tools to help decrease the spread

Reopening: Economy and society opening depends on schools. How do we do this?
Continue to take precautions: Adopt evidence-based health measures.
This may be a rollercoaster.
Resume social distancing during times.
Elementary to High school: differences between the kind of schools
front line workers: must be respected

Measures to take per National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and Johns Hopkins University:

Physical distancing: Allow people to work from home and/or restructure work to minimize the number of workers physically present in a work space.

Screening: Use health screening measures (like take temperatures)

Reduce contact between people

Use masks, other gears, frequent sanitizing and cleaning; frequent hand washing and some kind of physical distancing

Plan for curriculum based needs; social and emotional; plan for trauma; the digital divide and the loss of learning;

Need for child care before and after school so that people can return to work;

Meals and medical care:

Volunteer week summer session;

staggered scheduling

Summer can be grab and go nutrition

Make sure teachers, students and staff are safe


We will probably need parent help: what?

School-based public health interventions:
Limit the number of people who can be in a school, hall, auditorium, or in a classroom

We will need to prepare for a hybrid model

Hand washing and temperature taking
Triage for sick students

At-risk students should have an option to learn remotely while other students are at school.

I think we will have to ask parents to stay off campus

Smaller class sizes- 25 or more in a small room is a health risk
12-15 students is better for physical distancing
staggered schedules; split  schedules
after-school care

Staggered arrival times

Staggered lunch and meal times

Eat in classroom

alternative plans for after-school activities

portable classrooms or additional space

additional suuport- social-emotional,, PD, small group

Training on health gear

hand washing stations for those entering school

hand washing breaks

sanitizing on a daily basis

Mental health support-

Prolonged social distancing- on going trauma

How can we meet everyone's needs?

We need additional training and support-

V-High quality support (stopped here)-page 10

Testing, tracing and isolation

4. Involve community, parents, workers

Communities at risk: Front line workers

How to keep people safe, while keeping the economy going?

Local governments and communities

We will need alignment; inequalities have been exacerbated
Growing Recession
Renewed sense of urgency


Get information on schools that are already opening up. Put it in the Schools reopening folder. 


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